Healing Ground 6-Week Cohort

January 2023


Audio Recordings + Reports from Class


Week one

Meet and Connect. Creating a Supportive Environment. Attunement and Inhabiting the Body.

Class 1 Audio File: Jan. 18, 2023


Inhabiting the Body. Direct Perception. Increasing Our Sensory Experience + Expanding Our Perception with Vision.

Class 2 Audio File: Jan. 25, 2023


Foundational Grounding. Listening as Fundamental Consciousness. Walking Attunement to Fundamental Consciousness. Qualities of Fundamental Consciousness.

Class 3 Audio File: Feb. 1, 2023



Working with the Qualities in the Body. Working with the Qualities of Fundamental Consciousness. Introduction to the Living Fascia.

Class 4 Audio File: Feb. 8, 2023


Oneness and Separateness - Relationships. Releasing Constrictions from Your Body. The Release Technique. How Neuroplasticity Allows for Rewiring.

Class 5 Audio File: Feb. 15, 2023


Releasing Holding Patterns in Relation to a Parent or Caregiver. Review of Qualities of Fundamental Consciousness of the Body. Feeling and Dispelling Emotions.

Class 6 Audio File: Feb. 22, 2023


Thank you for your participation in the Healing Ground.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the core of my whole being for sharing your time with me these past few weeks!

Please help me grow in this process of teaching and take a moment to complete the quick survey.

Be sure to check out the upcoming Advanced Healing Ground with Core Circuitry. It has been a pleasure working with you.

If you feel others might be inspired by this work, I am grateful for your referrals.

Return to Your Unfragmented Wholeness and Experience the Healing Ground.